We’ve updated our logo. Here are few versions of the new look.
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We have decided to postpone our Third Annual Fish Fry and Wall of Honor Presentation that was scheduled for April 24th – […]
The Solon Spring Educational Foundation is pleased to announce the special guest for our Second Annual Fish Fry on Friday, April 12, 2019 will be Eliza Wheeler. Eliza, a 2001 graduate of Solon Springs High School, is the author-illustrator of ‘Miss Maple’s Seeds’, which debuted on the New York Times Best Seller list, and was a 2017 Sendak Fellowship recipient. Her presentation will be “Following The Joyful Paths:, “My Journey from the Northwoods to the New York Times Bestseller List.”
This time of year, many of us our thinking about tax planning. If you are looking for a way to do some year-end […]
On November 15th, Mrs. Makela and Mrs. Zosel packed up twenty-five of their upper level (Advanced Biology, Medical Terminology, and Chemistry) science […]